Sunday, February 7, 2010

Week's Happenings

Let me apologize in advance for my very uncreative Blog title. It will probably often be quite uncreative, I was never good at titles. Oh well.

I went to the fruit and vegetable market this week to pick up some, well, fruits and veggies. I love going to this little stand/market. It's actually quite big, is open year-round, and has lots of options. It's also quite a bit cheaper than the grocery store or Wal-Mart. Anyhow, I went to pick up some foods and saw stands and stands of flowers. I always have to have a look because I love plants and I love to have plants inside, I think it gives more of a homey feel and it just makes me happy. Well they were selling these flowers for $1! Yeah what a bargain. It made my day and cost very little! Oh and when I was picking some out, a butterfly landed on the flowers. I wished I'd had a camera and then remembered I had one on my phone. Though, not the best quality, it did the job.

Last weekend we also got rid of our tree. FINALLY. We just hadn't been home much since Christmas. Lots of youth group events and such. It was surprising, though, how good the tree looked for having been up for 2 months and 1 month with no water. It wasn't as vibrant a green, but still green and hardly any needles had fallen (that is, until we took the tree down).

Chad is about to get home and I need to get lunch going. Chicken Quesadillas, MMmmm...

Oh and we have a superbowl party tonight with the teens where we will be served Baked Bologna...yeah sounds delicious, huh? I'll let you know how it is, I will have to at least try it, but I admit I am quite skeptical.

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