Friday, February 26, 2010

Steak Bites

Okay so I am a little behind on posting my new recipes, BUT I have been making them. So the next four posts will be dedicated to those.

This recipe is steak bites. I know, it's kinda an iffy new recipe, seeing as how steak is steak no matter how you cook it. However, I'm pretty sure we have never even cooked steak before. We pretty much only have it if we go out or when we go to Brett and Kristen's once a week for dinner. So in my mind this is a new recipe.

By the way I got this recipe from Kristen suggested this website to me and I LOVE it! She has lots of recipes. You should take a look at it.

Steak Bites

• 1 Pound Sirloin Steak or Pre-cut Beef Tips
• Salt
• Ground Black Pepper
• 2 tbsp. Butter

1. Cut the sirloin into small bite-sized pieces.

2. Sprinkle generously with salt and freshly ground pepper. Toss the meat around a bit to thoroughly coat with the seasonings (I think we also added some season all).

3. Heat the skillet over medium high to high heat. As the pan heats, add about 2 tablespoons butter to the skillet. Allow the butter to melt, then brown, before you add the meat.

4. Place the meat in the pan in a single layer. It should sizzle loudly when it hits the pan – if it doesn’t, the pan isn’t hot enough. Don’t stir or disrupt the meat for 30-45 seconds. You want it to sizzle and brown on one side. Scoop as many steak bites as you can with your spatula and flip them over. Repeat until all the meat is turned. Cook for an additional 30 to 45 seconds—just long enough to sear the outside of the meat but NOT cook the inside (we cooked it quite a bit longer, it was pretty done inside).

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