Monday, March 22, 2010

Grandparents, Knitting, & Baseball

Whew, I haven't posted in a while! It seems like it's been a really busy past few weeks. First of all I am happy to say that I have increased my caseload by two and so I now have 5 children I see on a weekly basis, yaay! My two children I picked up are both only 4 months old, so sweet!

A couple weeks ago Chad and I went and visited my grandparents in Sebastian, FL. We had a really nice visit with them and Gram taught me once again (for about the hundredth time!) how to knit. It's just one of those things that I start and then stop and when I want to start again I don't remember how. Here's me and my grandparents. Awwwww.....

And here is how my knitting is coming along! Actually I must admit, I did all of this the afternoon I visited them and haven't picked it up since. BUT, I will not give up on it like I have so many times before! I just need to catch up on a few other important things beforehand. I know, I know, that's what I always say. But I'm determined this time.

We also went to a spring training baseball game with Chad's parents while they were in town. We saw the Tigers vs. Braves. It was a fun afternoon and one of the first days of nice weather. I liked playing around with the camera's different color settings.

We took the youth group kids ice skating this weekend, which was really fun. I hadn't been ice skating in a very long time. I used to go all the time with my dad, but sadly I'm not as good as I used to be (not that I used to be great). I forgot our camera, but Chad took a couple with his phone so maybe I can post some later.

Oh, I almost forgot! We also went to the strawberry festival! But that will be another post for another day.

The next few weeks will continue to be busy, so I don't know how much cooking we'll be getting in. I'm already two meals behind where I should be :(

Hope everyone's first day of Spring was fantastic, although I think about half the states got several inches of snow!! I miss snow...not ice mind you, but snow. Snow is so clean and fresh looking, not to mention a blast to play in!

Happy Spring!

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