Sunday, January 24, 2010

Work At It With All of Your Heart

So I've been thinking for a while about starting up a blog. For those of you who were into xanga (does anybody use that anymore??) all know how horrible I am (or hopefully was) at keeping up with posting. I went on to my xanga site a couple weeks ago, just to see what it looked like (I told you, it's been a while!), and if anyone had posted anything in the past few years since it seems like amongst other blog sites is now the way to go. As I stated before, I was NOT good at keeping up with daily postings and what not. Let me emphasize to you how bad I was. 2 postings. That's all I had!! This just serves as a reminder as to how bad I am with starting things and not finishing them. Therefore, I determined I was going to change some things.

So I came home from church, asked Chad to help me set up an account and turned on my i-pod. I decided that it was time I have some old school Acappella play while I write since it has been a while. Listening to Acappella brings back many memories. Some of you may think this is odd, but Acappella became very popular in my youth group back home for a while. Often, instead of jamming out to 'N Sync as teenagers (which we still did on occasion) we would wip out our Acappella cd's and crank them up in one of my best friend's little red convertible. And as we drove around town (and I'm sure got many stares) we would sing at the top of our lungs to Acappella classics. So anyway to make this long story short, I played one of my random mix Acappella cd's and put it on shuffle and the first song was "Work At It With All of Your Heart." And that is what I am going to do. Work at it with all of my heart. And not just at blogging, but several other things in my life which I will talk about in later posts.

And so begins my new blog spot...

1 comment:

  1. (Sung in SHOWTUNE style: Who could ask for anything more?! Who could ask for anything more!
