Sunday, February 14, 2010

Puppies, Manatees, Stingrays, Oh My!

Yesterday was Saturday and I was in the mood to get out of the house and do something. So we did what we usually do over the weekends- went to the puppy store to look at and hold puppies and wish we could have one. We REALLY want one, but right now we don't really
have the money. Besides the fact that puppies are expensive to take care of, we would have to pay an additional like $200 per month on top of our rent to have pets here. And we don't have a yard and I would hate to have it stuck in an apartment all day. Needless to say we won't be getting a puppy for a while. But that doesn't mean we can't look!!!

How can you resist those eyes!

After the puppy store we went to Manatee Viewing Center (, which I've been dying to go to for a while. It was AWESOME! It's at Tampa's power station (weird, I know) and is only open November-April. Apparently this is where manatees liked to gather when the water temperatures fell below 68 degrees. So when the power station began producing power, they awarded that area as an official manatee sanctuary. There were hundreds of manatees, which was really neat to see. They stay under water a lot though, so it was difficult to get a picture of them, but here is one I was able to snatch a picture of.

And here is a picture, which I found on their website, that gives you an idea of how many manatees gather. There was too many to count, but you could just see hundreds of mounds that stick a little bit out of the water.

And besides manatees, there were also a couple sharks jumping around. I didn't ever see one, but Chad did a couple times. And there were jumping stingrays! I never knew stingrays did that, but apparently they do this to claim their spot, or their dinner table as the man at the center said. It was pretty amusing to watch. Here is a short video I got of them. I know, I'm a nerd!

Anyways it was very cool and I think we will go back when we have a little bit warmer of a weekend. Off to make lunch!

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